(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ:・゚✧ r e s p e c t e a c h o t h e r ✧゚・:ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)
Updated 4/8/2024
1 - Age. You must me over the age of 18 to participate. If you are found to be underage, you will be banned without warning. All posted content must depict adults as well, including art and digital. This is a fetish form .
2 - No Hate, No Drama. We strive to create a space where anyone can feel welcome, regardless of identity, gender, race, or creed. Identity is not a privilege to be revoked, you will respect other members or you will leave. Mods may ban regarding this without warning.
3 - Artist Respect. While you may share art, we ask that you credit all art shared. If you do not know the artist, someone here might. Artists who find their art posted here have every right to request it be removed, and this must be respected without question. We are here to help artists and storytellers thrive.
4 - Paywalled Content. Do not post another creators paywalled content. Accounts that do this are subject to bans.
5 - Advertising. Encouraged! As aforementioned, we are here to help creators thrive. From advertising your social media to patreon and other services. As long as it's legal, we have your back!
6 - Roleplays. Nobody owes you a roleplay. Please do not barge into other people's roleplaya as well. Talk it over in Looking For RP or Brainstorming with the participants.
7 - Moderation of Comments and Content. Comments and content may be deleted at our sole discretion. We are under no obligation to platform individuals, especially if they violate other rules.
8 - No Actual Harm. Fantasy is fantasy. Any real depiction of living creatures being harmed is expressly forbidden, including bugs.
9 - Collages. You must have permission from the model in some form and be able to produce it if asked without question. This can include the models TOS. Be sure to credit the model.
10 - AI Usage. Any art made primarily using artificial intelligence is not allowed on the forums. This rule applies to anything primarily generated by artificial intelligence, such as generated stories and art. Art on the forums may not be used in AI Datasets. Removal of content with AI is up to the discretion of moderators.
11 - Consent. All individuals here may revoke their consent in a roleplay they are uncomfortable with freely. If someone, out of character, asks you to cease an action – Respect their wishes. While we try to cater to everyone, there are certain things people are simply not comfortable doing.
12 - Banned Individuals. If you have been banned from other areas such as Discord, you are not welcome here. Any attempts to avoid a ban will result in another ban. If you feel you have been banned unjustly, please email: transient@anirusfere.com with the subject "Ban Reversal" or fill out the form under "Contact Us."
13 - Post in relevant forums. Do your best to follow the format of the forums please! Posts in inappropriate places will be moved and repeat offenders are subject to disciplinary actions.
14 - All activities must be legal within the United States. We are not responsible for content you post, and you may be subject to legal action and consequences for material posted.